Welcome to Anchor!

We are thrilled you came here to find out more about Anchor Fellowship Church! We would love to know more about you and help you get connected at Anchor. Please take time to complete a CONNECT CARD, but then come right back and explore the opportunities we have for you with Anchor.

  • New Partner Lunch

    New Partner Lunch is offered once a quarter at Anchor Fellowship Church. If you are interested in taking the next step and want to find out more about committing to partner with Anchor Fellowship Church click the link below.

  • Baptism

    As a response to God taking the first step toward you, baptism is the public act of our repentance and the public transfer of a new believer from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of God as part of the Body of Christ.

  • Anchor Groups

    Anchor groups are a great way to jump in with both feet to meet people in a small group setting. Each Anchor Group is unique in the times they meet and the style they study.